
Eh, Assalammualaikum and hi peeps, eh.

Tiberr muncul kan eh tiberrr. K enough of this nonsense lol. --' Cut the crap girl. Sheesh.
Um , so the main reason of popping here out of nowhere is because i'm fully saturated with
so many theory and unsolved phrases strolling somewhere in my little dizzy head, oh my Allah what kind of nonsense again i'm talking about oh.

Ever since starting from this week I would be busier that before. Yup, care to tell that next week is already the mid sem exam week, apparently it is. 

It's real, man... my brain ... why does it feel hurt... too saturated oh mai...
K let's be relax. Chill. 

Apart from that, the best part is cuti raya haji dah dekat yayyyyy ahahaha. You can imagine how the excitement get over the worrying some of me heheh. Tolak tepi kejap mid sem exam tu watlek je sebab chill iz gud anyway ngeh. :'D

Dah, kejap je ni. Nak release tension sebab baru nak start gear 1 for biology. Get back into your sense! Adios, salam alayk. *sambung sakit kepala lol. 


  1. Faham hahahahahaha too much informatiob=n mmg boleh saturate kepala, lagi-lagi kalau jenis yang overthink :'))

    Hey, goodluck for midsem - gambatte!

    1. Yuppp betul tu. Ni pun tengah sarat dengan muatan teori lagi yang tak sudah :( Tenkiuuuuuuu seriously cakap goodluck pun dah tersangat cukup


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