
"Hard work always pay off!"


Can you imagine how I feel-
With another 2 months left..
Fighting through the worst to get the best.
Yes, perhaps it will be the best.
At least, for me.


 Setiap kali masuk kelas, cikgu-cikgu aku akan tetap bagi motivasi. The same words, same points, but different teachers.

" You all ni pandai, if cikgu ajar cepat pick up. But do you know what is your main problem? Attitude." Gross.

"If only pandai tapi attitude ke laut, tak ke mana."

Faham, cikgu.
Attitude is one thing//
Yang mana kalau pandai tu boleh dipupuk jika dan hanya jika seseorang tu bagus perangainya.


Aku hanya membisu. Setiap kali cikgu utarakan kata-kata peransang, setiap kali tu jugaklah aku tunduk. Like, memikirkan apa yang akan jadi, nanti.

Ketika aku pergi satu sekolah yang hebat, under satu program benchmark bawah pengurusan LKP. Nak tahu sekolah apa? MRSM TGB. Top one SPM Malaysia past year.

Dalam satu kuliah, aku agak terkesan. Bila one of them tu kata;

" Unity is very important among batchmates. Like how you see the goats in a group. When we walk in a group, we can strive towards excellence. No one is left behind."

Sebab memang batch ni main peranan.
Kalau ada yang tertinggal, yang lain patutnya ada yang sedar. Ada yang tolong. Ada yang peka pada perubahan sekeliling. Walaupun ianya hanya satu tokokan kecil.


Takut? Gementar? Of course I do.
I know my friends also would probably feel the same way.

Staying apart here, teaches me a lesson.
To worry about your friends instead of worrying just about yourself.
To prevent yourself from being a selfish.
To care about the others, and help them whenever they need someone. At least, lend them your shoulder.

At least.

Sometimes I question myself why I bother to think about the others' problem.
That is their problem and not mine.
They need to solve them, just you don't have to involve the others in your life.

But hey now finally I understand.

"When we help the others, Allah will help us."

No matter how hard we feel, to help the others while we have our ultimate problem too, but sokay.
Allah will help us to go through the hardships, yup.


Pernah aku rasa tertekan. Bila satu masa aku tengah sibuk menelaah buku. Bedah buku cewah. Dan kawan aku datang. Mintak aku ajar dia.

Aku okay je nak ajar, tapi sebab masa tu aku agak miserable.
Mood macam aci suram kelam.
Banyak lagi nak hafal, nak kena go through sebab dah lupa.

Aku cuba lah. Gagahkan diri. Kata nak sama-sama berjaya kan? Kata taknak berjaya sorang diri so apa lagi?

Maniskan muka, then " Topic apa kau nak? "

She replied, " Sorry kacau, tapi explain sikit pasal topik ni...."

"Sure do, inshaAllah."


In the examination hall. Trial SPM.

"Ok semua, semak soalan cukup tak bilangan muka surat."

Aku pun, semak page by page. What?! Topik yang aku ajar kawan aku tulah masuk exam.

"Rupanya banyak hikmah Allah nak tunjuk kat kita, melalui banyak cara." Tears.


Kalau kita ikhlaskan niat. Bukan je nak berjaya sorang-sorang tapi jugak berjaya dengan kawan-kawan.
InshaAllah Allah bantu.

Biarpun kita rasa susah, kita rasa tak sempat, kita rasa banyak cabaran dengan ngantuk, dengan busy tentang tanggungjawab masing-masing.

Kejayaan tu, Allah yang bagi.
Biarpun kita usaha banyak mana sekalipun kalau memang tak dapat, memang tak akan dapat.

Penting jugak doa. Nampak yang kita sungguh-sungguh nak.
Dan never forget your batchmates.
Tolong, mereka yang memerlukan.

May Allah ease us.
Pray for my SPM.
Semoga 11A itu yang terbaik untuk kita, :-)



  1. Assalam..shidaz!! I have found your blog! Serenity soul ..oucchh, very modern :D :)
    Bila nak update lg ?? Hihihi <3

    1. Wassalam, wana ye ni? Waaaa how can you find it? ;^) InshaAllah kalau dah update i'll inform. *blush blush*

  2. Ikhlas tu kunci yang kita kena pegang. Kadang-kadang tu, dalam keterpaksaan asalkan ada sekelumit rasa yang ikhlas pun dah okay :D

    1. MasyaAllah serious ke ni. My fav blogger komen sini. Hahaha ok sorry too excited. :3


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