An initial


It's currently 9:45 p.m.
I've got bunch of homework awaiting me silently on the desk. [ *feeling not so diligent this night ]


I must have knocked my head onto any wall or maybe stone.
Because I feel like having a day-dream.
As I wake up, realizing that I'm on my way to finish my studies in secondary school.

How time flies so fast. 


I still need some times to blend in the future; new culture, new life, new friends and everything.


16th of March, 2017.

Hari yang ditunggu-tunggu bagi pelajar lepasan spm a year before. But it felt like I was the one who taking the result. Debar tu lain macam. Tak payah cakaplah tentang mood nak study ke makan ke semua dah ke laut sebab tak sabar nak tahu seniors punya result.

My batch waited for hours lah jugak sebab banyak sangat ucapan. 
Masing-masing ibu bapa dah melulu cari tempat nak duduk. Sebab dewan dah penuh dengan umat manusia.

"Kerusi tu ada orang tak?" Tanya salah sorang parents.
"Tak! Have a seat, please."

Yang lain, mencari.

"Ada kerusi kosong lagi tak?"

"Dalam dah penuh ke?"


"Ha, tu ada satu!"

"Orait, thanks!" Angguk.


The most outrageous scene I'd ever heard is to know my super senior's result. 11A+.
Wallahi. Astonishing result ever.

"Tahu kak Alin berapa?"

 I shook my head "How many A's?"

"Straight A+" Huyoooo. Rahang jatuh.


| Kita merancang, Allah yang tentukan. Never doubt.

Invest our time wisely, ok peers?
Pray for me, too.
Pray for all Muslims especially our friends.

I don't say that the road to success is easy. Every victory requires lots of efforts.
Efforts must be done first.
La tahinu.
We can do this, biiznillah.

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